Compass Recovery, LLC

At Compass Recovery, LLC, we understand overcoming addiction is more than just abstaining from drugs or alcohol rehab in Feeding Hills. Drug Rehab Western Mass is the next step of recovery after a medically-supervised detox. Detox at an inpatient facility allows the patient to have constant supervision and care from doctors and nurses during the withdrawal process. The patient will also be given medication to help ease withdrawal symptoms that can be a difficult part of detox. It is not safe to attempt to detox on your own. It takes your body a week or longer to be able to eliminate the drugs that have built up in your system. After the detox process, you will be medically cleared and stable enough to move on to further treatment.

Business Hours : Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm, Friday 9am-5pm

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Services we offer

Clinic/center - Rehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder, Addiction treatment, Drug Treatment, Alcohol rehab

City 975a Springfield Street Feeding Hills MA 01030 USA
Price 0
Phone (413) 861-0680
Category Health & Fitness

Nr.: 126190, Date: 4/19/2024

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